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"Aural Sex", "Obsolete Sense Memories", "Paper Girl", "Summer's Color Change" & "I'm Not Her" by Nina Miller

Aural Sex

Your voice,

wraps around me like strong arms

holding me tight.

My whole body opens to catch each thought

as they fall from your lips.

Oh those lips!

I could drink in your voice and it would sustain me.

Pour it over me and make me wet with your words.

I don’t want those self-satisfied sexts. 

Call me.

Surround me with your vocal virility.

Call me.

Penetrate me aurally.

I don’t need promises of love.

Just keep talking to me and I’ll keep listening

till I’m satisfied.

Obsolete Sense Memories

One finger to push in the lighter, unlit cigarette in same hand,

the click it makes when ready, device popping to attention,

the redness of the heated coil, its bright orange center a contained flame,

the sharp scent of tobacco, the smoky ash on cooling filament,

tapping ashes out the window or brushing them from your jeans.

One hand on a cassette, the other holding the wheel,

the whir of engagement, guitar solo screeching as it unravels,

the tangle of grayish-brown tape drawn out slowly, spun back into place with a pen,

the snap of a plastic case, the crunch as it breaks underfoot,

reading microscopic liner lyrics or deciphering your writing on a mixtape.

Left hand rolls up the window, right hand holding yours,

the squeaky back seat with seating for three, embedded seatbelts rarely fished out,

the thud as the back seats fold down, the station wagon becomes stationary,

the windows fogging in autumn chill, the static audible from the radio,

shifting position to move closer and exploring each other for the first time.

Summer’s Color Change

I’m Not Her

That will never be me

Her smile 1000 watts

The summer sun

Her laughter filling you like a hug

Images on a static screen 

Collected and fragile

Like butterfly wings

Her memory caresses like kisses.

I struggle to fill the void she left

Painfully aware of what I lack

A role I was not asked to play

I step back to assess the damage.

That will never be me

I have my own smile 

The crescent moon

My laughter floating into the sky.

Images of myself

Insecure and hidden

Like insect shadows 

My reality falls like tears.

Paper Girl

Flurry of words

brought us together 

professing her love

in inkjet staccato 

or stilted penmanship 



between sheets of paper

so much heat generates.

A passionate penpal

first-time romance

she sent me her soul

on eight by eleven

but it wasn’t to be



when we step off the page

once we actually meet

boundaries blur

desires cool.

I keep my Paper Girl 

in a collection of memories 

to unwrap in old age



unfold cold brittle parchment

where her warm heart still beats.

Nina Miller is an Indian-American physician, epee fencer, and creative

who made the Wigleaf Top 50 for 2024. She loves writing competitions and

drinking chai. Find her flash and thoughts on writing within Flash

Fusion, an anthology by Dahlia Books. Find her @NinaMD1 and her

published pieces at


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